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The First 1000 Days  
Nurturing Life's Vital Beginning 


Welcome to the Montco First 1000 Days Initiative by The Institute for Salutogenesis. This project is reimagining how we support the health and well-being of our youngest citizens and their families in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.

Why the First 1000 Days Matter

The first 1000 days of life, from conception to a child's second birthday, are incredibly important. Positive experiences during this time lay the foundation for lifelong health, happiness, and the ability to participate fully in our democracy.

Our Key Questions

  • How can we ensure all children and families have the support they need during the first 1000 days?

  • What factors contribute to a flourishing life for individuals and communities?

  • How do we create environments where everyone can thrive?

  • How can individuals, communities, and policymakers work together on these important issues?


Our Mission

To lay the groundwork in Montgomery County for every child to have the opportunity to reach their full potential. We believe this is the foundation of a strong democracy.


Our Vision

Healthy individuals thriving in healthy communities, supported by a political system that invests in well-being for all.

Our Approach

Using a 'salutogenic' approach, we focus on what creates health and well-being, not just on preventing illness. We work with families, communities, and policymakers to understand what leads to flourishing lives and create positive change. We gather data, develop tools, and encourage citizen engagement to make our vision a reality.

A Focus on Democracy of Opportunity

The Democracy of Opportunity Moonshot is a broader vision that guides this work. It focuses on providing every American with the core capabilities needed to live healthy, flourishing lives and engage as active citizens. Investing in the first 1000 days lays the groundwork for this broader vision.

The Whole Person Salutogenic Assistant

We're also developing an innovative AI tool to help families maximize their well-being during this critical time. It considers the many factors that impact health for personalized care.

Get Involved!

Join the movement to create a healthier, more equitable Montgomery County where every child has the opportunity to thrive!

Whole Person Salutogenic Assistant 

 The 360 Degrees Approach

Digital Twin 

Knowledge Base
DALL·E 2023-12-27 12.32.42 - Create a simple image representing the Montco Salutogenic 360
DALL·E 2024-01-06 15.57.36 - Illustration of a person sitting at a desk, surrounded by boo

The First 1000 Days Gets Going 

The Institute of Salutogenesis launches the Montco PA First 1000 Days of Life Initiative is an ambitious endeavor aimed at optimizing the well-being and developmental outcomes of individuals during the critical early period from preconception to 24 months of age. This initiative recognizes the significant impact of the first 1000 days on individual health, well-being, and long-term outcomes in most spheres of life. By focusing on this crucial period, we aim to lay the foundations for individuals to thrive and flourish throughout their lives.



What Do We Owe the Next Generation?

Through an integrated examination of the philosophical, political, biological and spiritual aspects surrounding the notion of "What We Owe the Newborns," this effort seeks to foster a deeper understanding of the complex tapestry of obligations and opportunities within our democratic society. By embarking on this exploration, we aspire to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on promoting a society where every newborn is embraced with care, compassion, and the promise of a democratic future filled with flourishing opportunities.   Learn More

Areas for Exploration

April: Introduction  

The First 1000 Days of Life

What We Owe the New Generation?          

The theoretical aspects: the first 1000 days  

Biological Factors


May: The Healthy Community

The Salutogenic Individual and Community

Indicators and Influences

Psychological Factors


May: The Whole Person Salutogenic Assistant

The Salutogenic Assistant's Knowledge Base

The Salutogenic Individual  


June: The Whole Person Salutogenic Assistant

The Salutogenic Community : The local  platform 

Social Factors


June: My Healthy Montco PA 

 The Ecosystem and  Stakeholders


July: Deliberative Formats

  • Citizen Briefs

  • Case Presentation 

  • Citizen Commission


July: Citizen Tool Box​

Political Factors


September - October:  Take Action- Get Personal, Get Social ,    Get Political 


November:  Health of the Region 


December: Policy Areas

Political Factors


December:  Review

Ecosystem and Stakeholders: Mapping, visualizing and understanding the landscape and stakeholders associated with the First 1000 Days in Montco PA.   

Stakeholder Watch





Healthcare System 






Stakeholder in the Spotlight 

Healthcare System 

Get Involved

Get Personal 


Information and tools for personal well being

Get Social 

Information and tools for engaging in your community

Get Political 

Information and tools for engaging political locally and beyond

News and Updates


State Interagency Coordinating Council of Early Intervention (SICC)

Representative Liz Hanbidge from the 61st Legislative District in Montgomery County was appointed by  Governor Josh Shapiro to be a member of the State Interagency Coordinating Council of Early Intervention (SICC). SICC advises and assists the Department of Health, Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Department of Human Services to ensure a system of comprehensive and integrated early intervention services is available to all eligible infants, toddlers, young children and their families.

Health of the Region


The First 1000 Days of Life Long Flourishing:  Personal Reflections

We are pioneering a path to a future where every child is nurtured from the start, in a community that supports their growth and caters to their needs during these formative years. Our mission is to ensure that every child, especially in their first 1000 days, thrives in an environment that's rich in care, opportunity, and support.     Participate 

Why Democracy of Opportunity?​

Democracy of Opportunity recognizes the fundamental need to ensure equal opportunities, rights, and well-being for all individuals. It provides a comprehensive framework, tools, and resources that empower individuals to participate fully in society and foster engaged communities. By addressing systemic inequalities and breaking down social barriers, the initiative aims to create an environment that enables every citizen to flourish and actively contribute to shaping a vibrant and inclusive democracy.

What Do We Owe The New Borns?

As we embark on the exploration of "What We Owe the Newborns" in the pursuit of a democracy of opportunity, we delve into a profound inquiry that encompasses philosophical, political, and spiritual dimensions. This effort aims to investigate the moral and societal obligations we bear towards newborn citizens, to ensure their flourishing and equal access to opportunities in a democratic society.

Is it Time to Move From DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)  to DOO (Democracy of Opportunity)?

The Democracy of Opportunity for Flourishing Citizens initiative offers a hopeful and inclusive path forward. It’s a response to the shortcomings and critiques of traditional DEI approaches, proposing a more holistic and proactive method for fostering a society where every individual has the opportunity to flourish. By focusing on empowerment, engagement, and well-rounded development, DOO sets the stage for a vibrant, equitable democracy where all citizens can realize their fullest potential.


The First 1000 Days  Through the Salutogenic Lens 

The salutogenic approach focuses on understanding and promoting health and well-being by examining the factors that contribute to a sense of coherence, which is a person's perception that life's challenges are comprehensible, manageable, and meaningful. The salutogenic formulation can be utilized in promoting democracy of opportunity by emphasizing the importance of creating conditions that enable individuals to thrive and participate fully in society. 

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