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Healthcare System Transformation 

The Institute for Salutogenesis is transforming the way we think about healthcare. Instead of merely treating disease, we're creating a Salutogenic Healthcare System that empowers individuals to proactively achieve their best possible health and well-being.  We recognize that healthy individuals are crucial in creating a strong and vibrant democracy.

Welcome to the Healthcare Revolution: Building a Thriving Democracy


The Institute for Salutogenesis is transforming the way we think about healthcare. Instead of merely treating disease, we're creating a Salutogenic Healthcare System that empowers individuals to proactively achieve their best possible health and well-being.  We recognize that healthy individuals are crucial in creating a strong and vibrant democracy.


What is a Salutogenic Healthcare System?

  • Proactive Focus: It emphasizes wellness and prevention, fostering resilience throughout the community.

  • Whole-Person Approach: It recognizes the connection between physical, mental, and social well-being.

  • Community-Centered: It addresses the environmental and social factors that impact our health collectively.


Our Mission:

We aim to make wellness attainable for everyone. That means:

  • Supporting Self-Care: Providing tools and knowledge on how individuals can take charge of their health.

  • Championing Prevention: Advocating for policies that create healthy living environments

  • Integrating Mental Health: Recognizing the vital role mental health plays in overall wellness.

  • Embracing Technology: Using innovations to expand access to quality care.


The Paradigm Shift

The Salutogenic model transforms healthcare from a system that reacts to illness into one in which wellness and prevention take center stage. It recognizes that our health is shaped by much more than just medical care – it's about our lifestyles, our communities, and societal support systems.


Our Strategy: Transforming Healthcare at Every Level

  • Changing How Medicine is Practiced: Promoting wellness-focused care plans that address the individual as a whole.

  • Rethinking Policy: Evaluating healthcare systems to prioritize policies and structures that nurture health.

  • Empowering Individuals and Healthcare Providers: Providing resources that encourage a proactive approach to wellness.

  • Advancing Research: Supporting studies that deepen our understanding of what creates health.

  • Building a Movement: Collaborating with communities to reshape healthcare for the better.


The Vision: A Healthier Society, A Stronger Democracy

Imagine a world where everyone has the opportunity to live fulfilling, healthy lives. That's the potential of a Salutogenic Healthcare System, and it's within our reach.

The Case for Change: Join Us in Creating a Healthcare System that Works for All

The Moonshot Press's Medical Case Presentation of the US Healthcare System is a deliberative forum where we'll analyze the challenges we face and explore solutions. This platform empowers stakeholders to shape a system that provides quality, affordable healthcare for every American.


Be Part of the Solution

This is your chance to revolutionize healthcare. Together, we can build a society where everyone can reach their fullest potential – starting with a healthcare system that empowers us all to thrive.

The Salutogenic Healthcare System

Within the healthcare system, the salutogenic paradigm offers a transformative framework that goes beyond simply addressing pathology and focuses on strengthening individual and social resources to promote health and optimal well-being. This comprehensive approach recognizes the significant role of social determinants of health in shaping an individual's health outcomes and expands potential interventions to encompass the individual, community, and broader cultural and political levels

Case Presentation:

The US Healthcare System

Dive into Moonshot Press's interactive framework, which encourages collaborative problem-solving for the challenges we face together. This platform invites you to contribute to community action and dialogue, playing an active role in crafting solutions.

Calendar for Deliberations:

The current medical care ecosystem.

The driving paradigms

The stakeholders

The economic and political understanding

The structure and policies

Achievements and challenges

Knowledge generation, discrimination and utilization  

Clinician competence 

The current state 

The Salutogenic Healthcare System

Self Care

Academic Medicine 

Clinical Practice

Public Health 

Healthcare Eco System in the age of AI 

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”


  • “The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition.

  • The health of all peoples is fundamental to the attainment of peace and security and is dependent on the fullest cooperation of individuals and States.”

WHO  Constitution

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The Whole Person Salutogenic Assistant 

The Whole Person Salutogenic Assistant is an innovative AI-powered digital assistant specifically designed to enhance health and well-being during the critical first 1000 days of life. Built on the salutogenic model, which emphasizes enabling health and wellness, Whole Person Salutogenic Assistant offers personalized, evidence-based health assessments and actionable insights.         Learn More

The Salutogenic 360 Is a conceptual framework  offering  tools and resources for personal health journeys within the healthcare system and community. Rooted in the salutogenic model, which prioritizes factors that promote well-being and resilience, this initiative seeks to reimagine how health care and support are delivered to families and young children.


Digital Twin  Integrating the concept of a digital twin for a developing child with the Whole Person Salutogenic Assistant offers a unique and innovative approach to child health and development.

The Healthcare Ecosystem 
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Get Involved

Get Personal 


Information and tools for personal well being

Get Social 

Information and tools for engaging in your community

Get Political 

Information and tools for engaging political locally and beyond

The Case of the US Healthcare System

About The Medical Case Presentation of the US Healthcare System

The Case Presentation of the US Healthcare System offers a framework to address the challenges of the United States, in confronting our political and financial problems.The Case presentation closely linked to the Salutogenic Health care System Strategic Plan and Roadmap.  The challenges of healthcare are addressed. The process is used to translate symptoms into the best solutions based on existing information. The treatment plan is most effective when the problems addressed are clearly defined, the alternatives for action discussed and the plan offers actions to address short and long term challenges. 


The Case Presentation of the US Healthcare System offers a multistage action plan divided into immediate, short and long term actions for addressing the challenges of the US healthcare system. The treatment plan format allows us to engage in a healthy deliberative political process toward our vision: A sustainable system that provides access to quality, affordable healthcare for all Americans. It offers a much-needed change to the current political dialogue and reframes the challenges we face by asking the question: How can we all, including the private sector, nonprofits, government and citizens, best achieves effective solutions to our problems, solutions that will work in a complex world of escalating need and diminishing resources? We believe that together, following a treatment plan, we can solve the healthcare problems and build a system that is uniquely American and that we can be proud of, and change the political culture that has been so destructive.

Stakeholder Watch:  Hospital and Healthcare Systems 

Hospital Watch: Montgomery County  provides details about Montgomery County Hospitals. Currently you can follow the link to the hospital's reported outcomes on Medicare Compare as well as state  Dept of Health. You can use our Give Your Hospital a Checkup form  to learn more about the hospital's performance. 


Hospital Watch:  Montgomery County  connects to the Tool Box for Citizen Engagement: Take Action (Get personal, Get social, Get Political) for personal and community health information, ideas and tools for engagement with healthcare stakeholders. We invite you to join the conversation on how to achieve the best healthcare system for all Americans.


The First 1000 Days of Life Long Flourishing:  Personal Reflections

We are pioneering a path to a future where every child is nurtured from the start, in a community that supports their growth and caters to their needs during these formative years. Our mission is to ensure that every child, especially in their first 1000 days, thrives in an environment that's rich in care, opportunity, and support.     Participate 

Why Democracy of Opportunity?​

Democracy of Opportunity recognizes the fundamental need to ensure equal opportunities, rights, and well-being for all individuals. It provides a comprehensive framework, tools, and resources that empower individuals to participate fully in society and foster engaged communities. By addressing systemic inequalities and breaking down social barriers, the initiative aims to create an environment that enables every citizen to flourish and actively contribute to shaping a vibrant and inclusive democracy.

What Do We Owe The New Borns?

As we embark on the exploration of "What We Owe the Newborns" in the pursuit of a democracy of opportunity, we delve into a profound inquiry that encompasses philosophical, political, and spiritual dimensions. This effort aims to investigate the moral and societal obligations we bear towards newborn citizens, to ensure their flourishing and equal access to opportunities in a democratic society.

Is it Time to Move From DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)  to DOO (Democracy of Opportunity)?

The Democracy of Opportunity for Flourishing Citizens initiative offers a hopeful and inclusive path forward. It’s a response to the shortcomings and critiques of traditional DEI approaches, proposing a more holistic and proactive method for fostering a society where every individual has the opportunity to flourish. By focusing on empowerment, engagement, and well-rounded development, DOO sets the stage for a vibrant, equitable democracy where all citizens can realize their fullest potential.


The First 1000 Days  Through the Salutogenic Lens 

The salutogenic approach focuses on understanding and promoting health and well-being by examining the factors that contribute to a sense of coherence, which is a person's perception that life's challenges are comprehensible, manageable, and meaningful. The salutogenic formulation can be utilized in promoting democracy of opportunity by emphasizing the importance of creating conditions that enable individuals to thrive and participate fully in society. 

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